Saturday, August 6, 2016

How to Maintain Weight Loss, Frisco Style!

How to Maintain Weight Loss, Frisco Style!


Valoree Bowen
After going through a divorce in 2011, I realized I had put my health on the back burner. I was a nurse, but not setting a good example of a healthy lifestyle. I tried many diets, and I lost and then regained weight, but I finally broke through.
Starting a lifelong journey to become healthier though practical, realistic changes, over the next 2 to 3 years, I lost and maintained a loss of 50 pounds.
After you’ve worked so hard to achieve a goal like this, maintenance becomes your number 1 priority, and fortunately, there are some fun things you can do right here in Frisco to help.
Basic lifestyle changes such as:
  • Stop drinking sodas to decrease sugar intake
  • Walking the dog around the neighborhood to increase activity
  • Keeping healthier snacks available (raw, cut fruits and vegetables)
  • Utilizing quality vitamin supplementation, and
  • Eating in more and out less.
I’m proud of the accomplishment, but along the way I discovered that complacency is a slippery slope. When I met my husband, we married quickly and were off traveling for the better part of the last 1 1/2 years. The travel disrupted my lifestyle changes and I didn’t care until I realized I was UP 20 pounds!
Wait, WHAT?!?!  I knew it was time to regroup and take it up a notch. Good thing the changes I made became habits that stuck.
We moved to Frisco with a new restaurants around every corner, a small backyard for the dogs (so no need for apartment walks), and plenty of eating for two.  So, I started analyzing what had changed and what I could do in Frisco to get back on track.
What works:
  1. Find someone who will support you in your weight loss journey.Learn from them and use what works for you. There is no one-size-fits-all! Watch out for those who try to sell you on the idea that ‘there is only ONE way to do this.’  I have found there are many ways to do a lot of things!  What are YOU going to be consistent with and make into a healthy habit?  You’re the one that has to live with daily regime and be the one who follows through. You will find that anyone who has lost a considerable amount of weight, and kept it off, understands this.
  2. Groupons for Frisco workout facilities are numerous.  Try different types of exercise that fit what you like:, ($10 month),, are great places to start.  When I had my grandsons staying with us for a few months, we visited the Frisco Athletic Center which included 2 hours per day free childcare with as many visits per month as you wanted, plus the free water park!  If you’re going to increase your activity, keep it simple and fun.
  3. Frisco also has a number of ways to get outdoors and stay active.  We have numerous trails, run/walk 5k charity events that happen with regularity, and a variety of fitness-oriented businesses and clubs. Try something new like yogabarre methodcrossfitbiking, or Hike It Baby for all you moms with small kids.
  4. Visit healthy eateries but start eating at home more often.  I had no idea there were such places as,, or (based here in Frisco).  And for those who want to learn how to cook healthier at home, we have our local Frisco Farmers Market, May through October every Saturday morning, a lot of fresh food vendors with tons of healthy choices. You can also find holistic doctors and practitioners in the North Texas Natural Awakeningsmagazine. has this magazine in her office in downtown Frisco along with many other places in the area or you can read it online.
  5. Monitor your progress & make adjustments quickly. Journaling was a big part of becoming aware of what I was putting in my mouth. It is easy to loose track of what you’re eating while watching TV or while snacking from the nurses break room.  Jot down what you eat throughout the day.  I find the MyFitnessPal app works great.  Also, if you have a bad day, don’t wait until Monday to “restart” your healthy routine. Start right away.  Over time, this one simple decision adds up.  For those who may have an food addiction, is a great resource. We may think of alcoholism or drugs as the only addictions but food is easily accessible and is frequently used as reward which makes food addiction very real.
No matter what, don’t give up on yourself.  You may have a set back or two, so just get back on track without beating yourself up. Be intentional on what you want to improve and do something about it.  If you find it difficult, reach out to those that have already accomplished what you want to. Do your own due diligence and make choices that fit you best.
Allow yourself the things that provide you joy, in moderation (for example that miniSnickers bar or a cupcake).  If you attempt to cut out all “bad foods” or exercise every day, you set yourself up for failure. As you make better choices, over time you will reap the benefits.
I use to think the word T-I-M-E was a bad word. I  didn’t like it as I’m a bit impulsive and like instant gratification, but allow time to be your friend and it will be worth it for you.  Yes, my husband and I still travel and eat out on occasion when we’re here at home, the only caveat is that we adjust other choices to fit nutrition, activity, and fun into the schedule.

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